The White House Project
Grassroots Campaign


Motivate women of all ages all over the country to run for every level of office from city council to The White House on a shoestring budget for non-profit organization The White House Project.

Intentional Solution

Our ‘Go Vote. Go Run. Go Lead. Go Girl.’ grassroots campaign was built around compelling and inspiring facts, a simple and memorable graphic, and a call for women to start a movement and ‘run’ for the change our world needs to see.

Every flyer had a call to action to maximize outreach in friends, family, and colleagues’ circles right then and there. The strategy was to go hyper-local and physically live out in the world . We hit PTA meetings, college campuses, and community groups. Because the more women we could inspire to get involved on a community level, the more women we could get into the pipelines of government, the greater likelihood that those rising numbers would eventually hit congress.

And they have. Although it’s only 28%,

Our 18th Congress has the highest percentage of women in US history and there’s a woman just one seat away from the White House now. And our logo won a One Show Pencil.

Print. Posters. Flyers. Swag.